Freshly baked shower thoughtsI just came out from a hot shower and my mind was constantly occupied with few thoughts I’m grateful I’ve learnt over the last couple of…Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
How reading Fiction makes you EmpatheticRemember the last novel you read? Remember it engulfing you completely? It felt like you were transported inside the story, bonding with…Feb 16, 2021Feb 16, 2021
The 4 Pillars of HappinessI’m not going to claim that you will become happier by the end of this read. But I hope to make you more aware as to what contributes to…Jun 20, 2020Jun 20, 2020
Stop Consuming and Start CreatingBudget how you spend a typical day and the list will be topped by Netflix, books, articles, Reddit, blogs, YouTube and Social Media. Come…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020